Little Giant
Industry regulations require ladder users working above a certain height to tie off to a suitable anchor point before they can work with both hands. In some circumstances, these standards are difficult or even impossible to keep, and often result in operators working in unsafe positions. We engineered the Little Giant Safety Cage™ enclosed platform to be a versatile, safe alternative to tying off. As many as 20 percent of injuries occur when the operator accidentally misses the bottom step while descending the ladder, which commonly results in severe ankle, knee, and back injuries.The Safety Cage allows operators to work hands-free in any direction in complete safety because, unlike platform stepladders, its “wrap-around” guardrail actually wraps around the operator completely in total compliance to tie-off rules. The Safety Cage helps protect operators from the most common causes of stepladder falls, including standing on the top cap and over-reaching.The Safety Cage stores in a compact footprint and is easy to store and transport. Time- and energy-saving Tip & Glide™ Wheels make it quick and easy to move from job to job.